Employee Self Service

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My Account

Updating Your Account Profile

Once logged in your account under Employee Self Service. Click on the My Profile tab.

General Information: Here you'll be able to update your general information and change your profile photo.

Employment Details: View your employment details as well as your salary breakdown.

Emergency Contacts: Add and update your emergency contacts.

Dependents: Add and update your dependents such as children, nieces, nephews, etc.

Skills: Add your different skills.

Training: View trainings assigned to you and have completed.

Certifications: Add any certificates awarded to you from different institutions.

Languages: Add different proficiency of languages that you know.

Attachments: View documents that have been uploaded by your HR Department that are related to you.



View Payslips

In Employee Self Service, click the "Neopeople Logo"

Once on the page, on the left side there will be a list of activities to choose from.

Click "View Pay Slip"

Click the green plus box to view more information about that pay slip.

Click the Print logo to view and print the pay slip.


Time Off & Leave

Requesting Time Off

In Employee Self Service, go to Time Off → Enter New Request

When on this page you will see two sections, one with icons and the other being quick links. The icon section is where you can submit a request for time off.

You have four options: 

  1. Enter Vacation Leave
  2. Enter Fractional Vacation Leave
  3. Enter Sick Leave
  4. Enter Other Time Off
  5. Enter Other Time Off (fractional)

Click on one of the options listed above and fill out the information required

Click "Save and Close" to save that form only

Time & Attendance

Clocking In and Out through NeoPeople

In Employee Self Service, go to Time & Attendance → Web Clock-In/Clock-Out

Once on the page, click "Check In"

When finished with work for the day, go to the same page

This time the same button will be labeled "Check Out", click it



Claiming a Shift

In the Employee Self Service, go to Scheduling → Available Shift Slots

To claim the shift:

  • Select the shift to be claimed
  • Click "Claim a Shift"
  • Check "Confirm Request"
  • Once finished, "click Submit"

Drop a Shift

In Employee Self Service, go to Scheduling  Week Schedule

Steps to give up a shift:

  • Filter the options to the week in which you will give up a shift
  • Click "Query"
  • Select the schedule
  • Click "Action"
  • Click "Give Up Shift"
  • Select the shift to be given up
  • Once done, click "Submit"


Applying for a Loan

In Employee Self Service, go to Payroll  Apply for a Loan

To apply for a loan:

  • Click "New Loan Application"
  • Fill out the form
  • Once finished, click "Submit Application"



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Onboarding a New Team Member

In the HR Admin, go to Onboarding -> New Team Member

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